The CIF study is seeking to understand how couples form their collective identity, how spiritual and/or religious faith interacts in that formation, and what strengths and resiliencies are created by these couples. This study is looking for couples who self-identify as “healthy and resilient” and have been married at least five years. To participate, please email
Participants will fill out a short questionnaire and then will participate in a sixty-minute interview. Couples will receive a $20 giftcard of their choosing in compensation for time.
A couple’s identity or sense of “we-ness” is a process whereby the unique individual characteristics of each partner co-create a collective identity. Each partner brings their own views, resources, and experiences to the co-mingling of this identity, which exists in the relational space between each partner and also becomes a part of their individual identities. Growing research indicates that couples with high levels of couple identity can experience better relational and individual adjustment.
The CIF study is a research study approved by the Institutional Review Board (#171802026) to Dr. Cheon.
Phone: 206-281-2251